Episode 82 – Disenfranchised

This week, Klauss, Chille, and Seyrr talk about the upcoming FFXIV FanFest in Las Vegas. The trio also discuss the recent news regarding Final Fantasy XV, and what this could mean for the Final Fantasy franchise in general. Seyrr focuses on the ever-popular Red Mage in the Lorebrarian’s Corner, and Chille wants to be a waifu pillow! Enjoy!

Show News:
Extra Life Donations: https://www.extra-life.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=donorDrive.Participant&participantID=297335#donate

FanFest Schedule of Events: https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/topics/detail/2fc19abcaabd6b2849c047f06286fa16d3963aee
Activities for Attendees: https://fanfest2.finalfantasyxiv.com/2018-19/na/activity/playable-activities
Goodie bag contents announced: https://fanfest2.finalfantasyxiv.com/2018-19/na/news/13 
Community Stream Viewing Party at the Bally’s Sky View Room 3: https://xiv2018.wixsite.com/livestream
LBR Community After Party at the Luxor eSports Arena: http://limitbreakradio.com/8526

FFXV Episodes Aranea, Lunafreya and Noctis cancelled. Tabata leaves, SE posts $33M loss: http://www.novacrystallis.com/2018/11/final-fantasy-xv-episodes-aranea-lunafreya-noctis-cancelled-production-episode-ardyn-will-continue and https://www.gamespot.com/amp-articles/final-fantasy-15-dlc-canceled-director-hajime-taba/1100-6463112

Extra Life Game Day 2018 Schedule

Extra Life Game Day 2018 is less than 24 hours away, and we are excited to be participating for the second year in a row. With our community’s support so far, we have raised $775 for Gillette Children’s Specialty Healthcare, and we hope to surpass our goal of $1000 by the end of the 25 hour stream. Below is a tentative schedule of what we will be broadcasting on our Twitch channel. All times are in CST, and subject to change 
  • 9 AM – Noon: FFXIV – Pagos, Map runs, Birb farms, etc.
  • Noon – 3 PM: Overwatch with friends
  • 3 – 6 PM: FFXIV – Music Requests
  • 6 – 9 PM: Final Fantasy IV
  • 9 PM – Midnight: Final Fantasy XV
  • Midnight – 2 AM – World of Final Fantasy
  • 2 – 5 AM: Late Night games w/ FFXIVCC (Jack Box, CaH, etc)
  • 5 – 9 AM: Final Stretch – FFXIV

There will be a number of items given away to supporters of the stream. To be eligible, please donate to our Extra Life campaign. Thank you in advance, and we look forward to seeing you all during the stream. #ForTheKids!

Episode 81 – Alpha and Omega’s Excellent Adventure!

This week, we continue our discussion of the Patch 4.4 story lines by discussing the Alphascape. We bring back the Lorebrarian’s corner as well where Seyrr talks about Ninjas in Final Fantasy, and compares them to their real life counterparts. We also talk about the upcoming Final Fantasy XIV Content Creators’ After Party on November 16th in Las Vegas, and Extra Life Game Day 2018 on November 3rd! Enjoy!

Show notes:
Donate to Extra Life: https://www.extra-life.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=donate.participant&participantID=297335 
RSVP for the FFXIV Content Creators’ After party sponsored by Limit Break Radio: http://limitbreakradio.com/8526 

Episode 80 – Ancient Ascians, Go Figure!

This week, Klauss, Seyrr, and Chille break the spoiler embargo on the Patch 4.4 story line. We then speculate what these events may lead to moving forward, and what this means for the lore of the world. Chille gives us an update on the GoFundMe campaign to get him to FanFest in Vegas, and we talk about the upcoming Extra Life Game Day stream. Please enjoy!

Show Notes:
FFXIV 5th Anniversary Infographics: https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/5th_anniversary/infographic/

All Saints’ Wake info: https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/special/2018/All_Saints_Wake/

Support Phoenix Down Radio on Extra Life: https://www.extra-life.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=donate.participant&participantID=297335 


Episode 75 – FFXIV Finds a Way

Even with Patch 4.36 coming in a few days, and a full patch scheduled to arrive next month, the lack of new content has been taking its toll on the FFXIV community, and we talk about what we have been doing to try and keep from getting sick or bored of the game. Seyrr talks about the history of the Monk class as it relates to FFXIV and Final Fantasy in general, and Chille plots to take over all the podcasts! Enjoy!

Show resources
TheGG’s interview with Koji Fox: http://thegg.net/interviews/final-fantasy-xiv-interview-with-koji-fox-square-enix-and-final-fantasy-memories/

FFXIV 5th anniversary site: https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/5th_anniversary/

Episode 73 – Onishi-who?

Patch 4.35 is live, and with it the new Deep Dungeon, Heaven-on-High! Klauss, Seyrr, and Chille talk all about the newest dungeon, as well as go into the story and lore behind it. Enjoy!

Information on the Feast Regional Championships: https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/ranking/thefeast/championship/

Episode 72 – Ask Yoshi Anything!

The full PDR Crew is back together again! We talk all about the info and interviews coming out of E3, Seyrr discusses the art of Thaumaturgy in the Lorebrarian’s corner, and Chille spent so much time in the Gold Saucer, he thinks he’s one of the Bunnies now! Enjoy!

Show Notes:
FFXIV Patch 4.3 Page: https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/patch/4_3
Make It Rain Screenshot Contest details: https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/topics/detail/a1121c2d37e76868d41f5349966a12af5886b1dc
FFXIV x Monster Hunter World collaboration: https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/special/monsterhunter/
E3 Live Letter Q&A via Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/8ql2gc/megathread_letter_from_the_producer_live_at_e3/
Translation of Dengeki interview with Yoshi-P at E3 via Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/8ra9r4/dengeki_e3_interview_translation_bad_news_for/
Twinfinite Interview with Yoshi-P: https://twinfinite.net/2018/06/ffxiv-e3-2018-interview/


Episode 71 – Wasshoi! Yes Yes!

Warning – This is a FFXIV Patch 4.3 SpoilerCast! This week, Seyrr, Chille, and Klauss discuss the Main Scenario quests and the second installment of the Return to Ivalice storyline. We all get a bit sidetracked when we start talking about the Namazu, which you could probably tell by the title. Hope you enjoy!

If you would like to donate to our Extra-Life campaign and help determine the fate of Klauss’s beard, please go to the following webpage: https://www.extra-life.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=donate.participant&participantID=297335
Thank you!

Phoenix Down Radio on Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/FjAw3kD

Klauss puts his beard on the line for Extra Life!

From now until the end of June, Klauss is putting his beard on the line, and you can help determine its fate!. For a second year, we are joining Extra Life, a charity run by gamers to help support Children’s Hospitals across the country. To join us in support of this amazing charity, go to our Extra Life page. If you want to save Klauss’s beard, add Team #SaveTheBeard in your message at the bottom of the page. If you want to see it go, throw your support to Team #ByeByeBeard. If we can hit our goal of $500 by June 30th, the team with the most donations will get their wish. We will also be picking a random donor to win a set of Mogstation Glamour gear courtesy of our friend Talan Broadbent when we get to $350.

Thank you for your help and support of this amazing charity.