Episode 62 – You Don’t Deserve this Big Tomestone!

Patch 4.2 has arrived! Klauss, Luna, Seyrr, and Chille give their spoiler-free impressions of the new content and go through Luna’s interview with the Eorzean Glamour Idols (twitter.com/eorzeanidols). We also talk about the new Dissidia mobile game and try to figure out what Chille did to make that Death Claw so angry at him.

Episode 61 – The {Sky}s the Limit!

Patch 4.2 is looming just around the corner, and we discuss the contents of Producer Live Letter 41. Seyrr talks about the lore behind the 4 Lords, and Chille breaks Luna’s keyboard with his drooling. We also announce the winners of our latest holiday conest. Enjoy!

Show notes:
Patch 4.2 Trailer: https://youtu.be/_1tABKPBlJs
Producer Live Letter 41 Official Translation thread: http://sqex.to/GZn
/r/FFXIV megathread translation: https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/7rgibn/megathread_letter_from_the_producer_live_part_xli/

Episode 58 – Extreme Role Play!

In this episode, Luna makes her triumphant return to Phoenix Down Radio! We got our first real life piece of Fan Mail from our friend Taliz Marvelous, and are absolutely excited about it! We talk a bit about the new content coming to Final Fantasy XV December 12th, and the upcoming Producer Live Letter 40 for Final Fantasy XIV on December 15th. Luna leads our discussion topic this week where we explore the ideas and misconceptions behind Role Playing within FFXIV,  Seyrr tells us all about Oschon the Wanderer, and we discover why Chille is always broke!

Show notes: 
New FFXV Content trailers:
Character Switching – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iooEGd7RooI
Episode Ignis fight with Noctis – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qIU-3Bq0M3A&t=23s


Episode 57 – Hooked on Final Fantasy

With Final Fantasy celebrating its 30th anniversary this year, we decided to ask the community about some of their favorite things about the Final Fantasy franchise. We read off some of their responses, talk about our own experiences, and reminisce about 30 years of Final Fantasy. In this week’s Lore segment, Seyrr discusses Azeyma the Warden.


Episode 56 – All the Interviews!

This week the Phoenix Down Radio cast talk about the numerous interviews released by the gaming media, including one from our very own Chille, who was ever so gracious in allowing us to submit a number of questions as well. To our surprise, Yoshida answered all of them! We go in-depth with the psu.com interview, talk briefly about a couple of other interviews released shortly after Paris Games Week, and are joined by FusionX from Gamer Escape to discuss his interview with Masayoshi Soken from the FFXIV Orchestral concert in Tokyo. 

Show Notes
PlayStation Universe Interview with Yoshida: http://www.psu.com/feature/34640/interview-ffxiv-yoshida-patch-4-2-eureka-future-content
LiveDoor.jp interview from Paris Games Week: http://blog.livedoor.jp/umadori0726/archives/52375866.html
WarLegend.net interview with Yoshida: https://www.warlegend.net/final-fantasy-xiv-interview-producteur-directeur-naoki-yoshida/
GamerEscape interview with Soken: https://gamerescape.com/2017/11/09/interview-with-masayoshi-soken-on-final-fantasy-xivs-orchestra-concert/


Episode 49 – Livin’ in the Deltascape! (Whoa-oh!)

After discussing the main scenario storyline in the last episode, Klauss, Seyrr, and Chille decide to delve into the aether with Omega and talk about the current tier of raids, the Deltascape. We give our impressions on the fights and story, and talk a bit about what we would like to see moving forward with the Omega series as well as the upcoming Return to Ivalice series. Seyrr goes in-depth with Susano and the idea of Kami, and we discuss why Chille turned into a dancing Chille dog.

Show Links:
YouTube Video: Coming Soon
Furnishing Design Contest info: http://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/topics/detail/7c85959feec46a40d2cc9f580b8c069d877196e7
Tales from the Storm part 1: The Weight of a Name http://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/special/tales_from_the_storm/

Episode 48 – OMG, Spoilers!

Now that everyone on the show has completed the Stormblood story, it’s time for us to give our thoughts on the storyline, dungeons, and quests that took us from the Fringes, across the sea to Doma, and back to Ala Mhigo. Seyrr discusses the eerie similarities between two nation’s patriotic hymns, and we talk about our accomplishments in game since the last episode. We also discover that Chille really does get around in the FFXIV community, but we love his spirit and enthusiasm!

Show Notes:
YouTube Video: https://youtu.be/DoMweuA-EJ8
GamerEscape’s FFXIV Content Creator’s Round-Up: https://gamerescape.com/2017/07/18/ffxiv-content-creator-round-up-718/
Dissidia Final Fantasy NT Beta sign-ups
NA: http://na.square-enix.com/us/dissidiant-closedbeta-signup
EU: http://beta.software.eu.playstation.com/en-gb/DFFNTBETA
Live Letter XXXVII Q&A Thread: http://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/threads/337124-Letter-from-the-Producer-LIVE-Part-XXXVII-Q-A-Update-Thread

Episode 43 – Writhing Wyrm of Doom and Destruction

In the vast wasteland that is the pre-expansion lull, Klauss, Luna, and Seyrr discuss the Heavensward story finale, which reveals who is really behind that mask Yda wears, and why we have a giant wyrm being chased by a robot.

Show Links:
YouTube Video: https://youtu.be/339UGarwlpg
HeavensDub Contest: http://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/threads/323849

Episode 42 – Luna Beat Wine Bottle Savage

The crew talks about Producer Live Letter XXXV and all the new and interesting information we obtained. We discuss the new NPCs, the new Stormblood benchmark, and go over the Q and A session. We also discuss the state of wine openers in Japan and how Luna’s corkscrew is superior!

Show Links:

YouTube Video of Show: https://youtu.be/KgrOGkwpmJc
Official Forums translation for Q&A: http://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/threads/323559-Letter-from-the-Producer-LIVE-Part-XXXV-Update-Thread/
MarkoTurn’s Translation from Live Letter: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gBZRnP8B-YKvL6TJ2kTq_r8xoTTwwl483cPyjiJSRTg/preview
Stormblood Benchmark download: http://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/benchmark/


Episode 39 – Calm the F%@k Down

With Diadem 2.0 back in the game, there has been a lot of salt in the community stemming from the new weapon drops. Klauss, Seyrr, and Chille take this opportunity to talk about ideas for content that could be much lower in sodium, you know for health reasons. We also talk about the new content coming in FFXV, World of Final Fantasy, and the FF Mobile games. And as always, praise Lava Scorpion!


Show Links:

YouTube Video of podcast: https://youtu.be/oG0f8zhVIpM
FFXIV Healer/Caster Gear Finalists: http://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/topics/detail/711417550e636c393993236bb98d3b8910d3b41b
Episode Gladiolus Trailer from PAX East: https://youtu.be/XHr8DKtmtqU
GamerEscape Coverage of PAX East Q&A Session: http://gamerescape.com/2017/03/11/pax-east-2017-ffxiv-qa-panel/