Special MiniCast 3 – Stormblood Patch Notes

On the eve of Early Access, the PDR crew decide to go through a blind reading of the Patch notes. We have fun discussing the upcoming changes and new quests being added to the game, and do a bit of reminiscing on Heavensward.

Episode 45 – The Calm Before the Storm

Less than a week until Early Access to Stormblood, The PDR crew is joined by FusionX from GamerEscape.com. He is able to talk with us about his experience at the Stormblood Media event held in San Francisco a few weeks ago before he flies out to cover E3. We discuss what having shared Role abilities could mean for players, get a bit of an idea what the new zones are like, and discover there is a whole island full of lava monsters just for Chille! We also are proud to announce that our entries to the HeavensDub contest won runners-up prizes! See you all in Stormblood!

Show Notes:
YouTube video: Coming Soon…
HeavensDub contest Winners: http://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/threads/327587-Announcing-the-Winners-of-The-Heavensdub-Contest-%28NA%29%21
The Valley-Girl of Light (Luna’s Entry): https://youtu.be/psDt0Bcvsgw
     How NOT to Pick up Women in Eorzea (Klauss & Seyrr’s Entry): https://youtu.be/BXPcS9qLrj4
GamerEscape’s Coverage of the Stormblood Media tour: https://gamerescape.com/2017/05/31/hands-on-with-final-fantasy-xiv-stormblood/

Episode 44 – Lore of the Magi

We are joined this week by the incomparable Lore legends AnonyMoose and Ethys Asher. They join Seyrr and discuss the lore behind the buildup and through the War of the Magi. We learn a lot about each of the 3 great city-states of the time; Amdapor, Mhach, and Nym, and discover what lead up to the great war, and how it all ended with the 6th Umbral era.

Show Notes:
YouTube Video: https://youtu.be/Q2JcZiNG25c
Ethys Asher: @ethysffxiv on Twitter, https://www.twitch.tv/ethysasher on Twitch
AnonyMoose: @anonymoosexiv on Twitter
Make it Rain campaign info: http://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/special/2017/the_make_it_rain_campaign/
14 Days of FFXIV on Twitter: http://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/topics/detail/6d47055be92347223fbf359ceffb215b72f40478


Special Minicast 2 – Live Letter Hype

Live Letter 36 is in the books, and it was a LONG video. Klauss, Chille, and Luna try to pare it down to the highlights and talk about the big upcoming stat changes, ability changes, and show off the new job skills from the recently released video. Who’s ready for Stormblood?

Show Notes:

YouTube Video of show: https://youtu.be/R9VYSJ2YCUc
New Job Abilites video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fSdfPXFGuw0
Notes from Live Letter XXXVI (Courtesy of /r/FFXIV posted by redditor NoboruSouma): https://docs.google.com/document/d/14ScQ9gCqZlghtQJgdbSuwJdXIaFBYjOOj5teGmKCDeY/preview

Special MiniCast 1 – Viva Revolutions!

In the early hours of the morning, smack dab in the middle of a Maintenance, Square Enix gave the players an amazing gift, the full version of the Stormblood theme, Revolutions! Luna, Klauss, and Chille talk about their impressions, go through the lyrics, and pore over the details of the video.

Show notes:
YouTube video: https://youtu.be/6-C2AyU4bMI
Revolutions video: https://youtu.be/UmQm76wFfKk

Episode 43 – Writhing Wyrm of Doom and Destruction

In the vast wasteland that is the pre-expansion lull, Klauss, Luna, and Seyrr discuss the Heavensward story finale, which reveals who is really behind that mask Yda wears, and why we have a giant wyrm being chased by a robot.

Show Links:
YouTube Video: https://youtu.be/339UGarwlpg
HeavensDub Contest: http://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/threads/323849

Episode 42 – Luna Beat Wine Bottle Savage

The crew talks about Producer Live Letter XXXV and all the new and interesting information we obtained. We discuss the new NPCs, the new Stormblood benchmark, and go over the Q and A session. We also discuss the state of wine openers in Japan and how Luna’s corkscrew is superior!

Show Links:

YouTube Video of Show: https://youtu.be/KgrOGkwpmJc
Official Forums translation for Q&A: http://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/threads/323559-Letter-from-the-Producer-LIVE-Part-XXXV-Update-Thread/
MarkoTurn’s Translation from Live Letter: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gBZRnP8B-YKvL6TJ2kTq_r8xoTTwwl483cPyjiJSRTg/preview
Stormblood Benchmark download: http://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/benchmark/


Episode 41 – Forward or Back

Scar Lit, the FFXIV community every-man, jumps in the guest spot this week as the crew discuss whether Heavensward content was a step forward or backward when compared to A Realm Reborn. Klauss talks about his experience at Anime Detour, and Chille keeps insisting he’s a jacketed potato, even though its not that cold out anymore!

Show Links
Scar Lit on Twitter: @Scar_Lit
YouTube video: youtu.be/M5Q9TCamatU
Maintenance Monday video from Anime Detour: youtu.be/dG3cAwwcboM
Stormblood Website: http://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/stormblood/
Caster/Healer gear design contest winners: http://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/topics/detail/2e42602e592e3120d54cee8f78bb881c4948f8ab
Producer Live Letter 35 info: http://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/topics/detail/2852d229485133fc36083e6da5b3f6ebeeed5dad

Episode 40 – Luna’s Daddy Issues

Phoenix Down Radio hits the big 4-0, and we are joined by Flattuss from Maelstrom Radio as part of a crossover event with their podcast. We talk about how to get ready for Stormblood, whether you’re a new player, seasoned veteran, or somewhere in between. Seyrr completes his discussion on the Warring Triad by sharing his knowledge of Zurvan the Demon, and we discover Luna has deep-seeded daddy issues as we talk briefly about the new live-action FFXIV show coming soon to Netflix.

Show Links:
YouTube Video – https://youtu.be/uOCiETc4N9E
Maelstrom Radio
Website – www.maelstromradio.com
Twitter – @maelstrom_radio
Twitch – twitch.tv/maelstromradio
Tactics Alexander video – https://youtu.be/YZJxYLoun7g
Hatching Tide Event – http://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/special/2017/Hatching_tide

Episode 39 – Calm the F%@k Down

With Diadem 2.0 back in the game, there has been a lot of salt in the community stemming from the new weapon drops. Klauss, Seyrr, and Chille take this opportunity to talk about ideas for content that could be much lower in sodium, you know for health reasons. We also talk about the new content coming in FFXV, World of Final Fantasy, and the FF Mobile games. And as always, praise Lava Scorpion!


Show Links:

YouTube Video of podcast: https://youtu.be/oG0f8zhVIpM
FFXIV Healer/Caster Gear Finalists: http://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/topics/detail/711417550e636c393993236bb98d3b8910d3b41b
Episode Gladiolus Trailer from PAX East: https://youtu.be/XHr8DKtmtqU
GamerEscape Coverage of PAX East Q&A Session: http://gamerescape.com/2017/03/11/pax-east-2017-ffxiv-qa-panel/