Klauss puts his beard on the line for Extra Life!

From now until the end of June, Klauss is putting his beard on the line, and you can help determine its fate!. For a second year, we are joining Extra Life, a charity run by gamers to help support Children’s Hospitals across the country. To join us in support of this amazing charity, go to our Extra Life page. If you want to save Klauss’s beard, add Team #SaveTheBeard in your message at the bottom of the page. If you want to see it go, throw your support to Team #ByeByeBeard. If we can hit our goal of $500 by June 30th, the team with the most donations will get their wish. We will also be picking a random donor to win a set of Mogstation Glamour gear courtesy of our friend Talan Broadbent when we get to $350.

Thank you for your help and support of this amazing charity.

Author: Klauss Nightbringer

Host of Phoenix Down Radio, supergeek extraordinaire, and bastion of useless knowledge!

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