Extra Life Game Day 2018 Schedule

Extra Life Game Day 2018 is less than 24 hours away, and we are excited to be participating for the second year in a row. With our community’s support so far, we have raised $775 for Gillette Children’s Specialty Healthcare, and we hope to surpass our goal of $1000 by the end of the 25 hour stream. Below is a tentative schedule of what we will be broadcasting on our Twitch channel. All times are in CST, and subject to change 

  • 9 AM – Noon: FFXIV – Pagos, Map runs, Birb farms, etc.
  • Noon – 3 PM: Overwatch with friends
  • 3 – 6 PM: FFXIV – Music Requests
  • 6 – 9 PM: Final Fantasy IV
  • 9 PM – Midnight: Final Fantasy XV
  • Midnight – 2 AM – World of Final Fantasy
  • 2 – 5 AM: Late Night games w/ FFXIVCC (Jack Box, CaH, etc)
  • 5 – 9 AM: Final Stretch – FFXIV

There will be a number of items given away to supporters of the stream. To be eligible, please donate to our Extra Life campaign. Thank you in advance, and we look forward to seeing you all during the stream. #ForTheKids!

Author: Klauss Nightbringer

Host of Phoenix Down Radio, supergeek extraordinaire, and bastion of useless knowledge!

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