Japanese gaming site dengekionline.com has posted a number of new screen shots and gear images from the upcoming 3.2 patch.
The full article in Japanese can be found here.
Japanese gaming site dengekionline.com has posted a number of new screen shots and gear images from the upcoming 3.2 patch.
The full article in Japanese can be found here.
The Dev team has given us a glimpse into what we as adventurers can expect from the newest Raid – Alexander: Midas!
Though its core was disabled, the colossal steel giant still hums with a foreboding sense of dread. The Illuminati are gearing up for war, and Alexander has thrust yet another arm up and out of the Thaliak river, continuing its climb from the murky depths. Will the Illuminati realize their warped ideals and bleed the realm dry? Once again you must call forth your allies and venture into the iron fortress, lest the realm bears the price of the goblins’ endeavor.
View the full post here!
“In today’s patch 3.2 preview, you’ll get a peek at a new quest series focused on the Vath and their journey to freedom from the Overmind.”
Read on for details.
Sephirot, the Fiend, was a deity once worshipped by a tree-like race native to Meracydia. Brought into being for the sole purpose of repelling the Allagan invasion, Sephirot inflicted ruinous losses upon the imperial army before finally being subdued and imprisoned in the central facility of Azys Lla. And now, millennia later, this immensely powerful entity threatens to awaken, his vengeful dreams disturbed by the careless ambitions of Archbishop Thordan VII. Topple the first pillar of the Warring Triad, or wheresoever his colossal shadow falls shall be visited by unthinkable catastrophe!
Full details are available on the Lodestone.
Patch 3.2 grows closer with each passing moon, and the tenth installment of DUTY COMMENCED has a taste of what to expect in this upcoming major content update. The North American Community Team invites you to join them as they divulge the hot scoops from Letter from the Producer LIVE Part XXVI & XXVII and explore several side characters adventurers should be quite familiar with in another round of the Lore Lowdown!
The full post is available on the Lodestone.
The Antitower:
In all of creation, what greater mystery could there be than the fate of this very star? To sound the deepest depths, to study the aetherial sea itself─for these purposes and more was the Antitower built. Abandoned by her Sharlayan caretakers following the exodus, it has since been overrun by the magical guardians they left behind. Yet were one blessed with Her gift to brave these dangers and descend to the furthest reaches─to hear, feel, and think at the heart of this world─what would they find?
The Lost City of Amdapor (Hard)
Following the defeat of Diabolos, the unnatural pall choking the crumbling city of Amdapor was lifted, and tranquility restored to the Twelveswood. Or so it had seemed. When the Hearers entered the ruins, however, they had scarce begun consigning the stones to the forest when their elemental allies fled in a sudden panic. By the spirits’ agitated whispers did the Seedseers learn that a daunting and hostile presence yet lingered within Amdapor’s moldering walls. Unable to complete their ritual of cleansing, once more have the Padjals called upon your aid. Once more must you delve deep inside the ancient city’s husk, and purge its withered heart of an unknown evil…
The full post and quest requirements can be found on the Lodestone.
Full post can be found (in Japanese) here.
From a (very long) post on the official forums from Koji Fox (a.k.a. Fernehalwes) we will be getting a lore book about FFXIV! Link to forum post here.
In the post, Koji talks about the lore segment from the last PLL this weekend, and how he was in full Japanese language mode when Yoshi-P told him to tell everyone, in English, about the lore book, and all he could muster was, “a little more than a string of words… ‘Uh… Lore…Book…Make…GOOD…’ ”
{Please look forward to it!}
The new episode of Phoenix Down Radio goes live tonight at 9:30ET/6:30PT on twitch.tv/phoenixdownradio. We talk about the Live Letter from the Producer XXVII and break down the details regarding upcoming patch 3.2. Titled “The Gears Of Change” the story starts to delve into the Warring Triad, and wind down the Dragonsong war with the Dravanians and Ishgard. We also will be discussing other quests and changes coming with the patch, the Lore of the game from Koji’s perspective, and some of our favorite things about FFXIV. Please check it out!