Episode 12 – Eskalia is a Materia Girl!

Episode 12 is now available for your auditory pleasures.

Eskalia from Limit Break Radio joins us as we talk about the Materia system changes, Patch 3.2 video, and Rowena’s empire! Also, I think there’s cherry lube somewhere in the Valentione’s quest, or so I’m told?

“You’re not Alone” charity stream airing March 11

Eskalia from Limit Break Radio is hosting another charity live stream on March 11th. Join us on twitch.tv/phoenixdownradio tonight as he guest hosts with us and tells us all about it.

The stream will be live at twitch.tv/limitbreakradio.


Episode 12 airs February 13th

Phoenix Down Radio Episode 12 goes live at twitch.tv/phoenixdownradio at 9:30 PM ET / 6:30 PM PT this Saturday night, February 13th. Join us as we welcome special guest Eskalia from Limit Break Radio, and discuss all of the newest Final Fantasy news and highlights!

Mentor system and Hall of the Novice preview

Adding to the number of previews we have seen this week, SE gives us a glimpse at the Hall of the Novice and the Mentor system slated for release in Patch 3.2 on February 23rd.

Hall of the Novice
The Hall of the Novice is a new series of challenges designed to prepare new adventurers for the rigors of party combat.
– Entry Requirements
Upon reaching level 15 with at least one Disciple of War or Magic, players can speak with the Smith NPC located at the Adventurers’ Guild in each city and several other locations.
– Types of Training
Players can undertake several training exercises depending on the role of their current class or job.
– Rewards
Upon successfully completing a training exercise, speak with the nearby attendant to receive a reward.
Mentor System
The mentor system provides more experienced players a means to offer advice and guidance to newer players.– What is a mentor?
Mentors are veteran players who chose to offer their time and experience to help guide new adventurers. To facilitate their assistance, mentors will gain access to a special chat channel as well as a means to easily register for duties and trials with new players.
– Mentor Requirements
To qualify to become a mentor, players must first have earned certain achievements. There are two sets of prerequisites, one for Disciples of War and Magic, and one for Disciples of the Hand and Land. After earning the required achievements for either set, speak with one of the Smiths to become a mentor.
Full information is available on the Lodestone post here.

New images from FFXIV patch 3.2 released

Japanese gaming site dengekionline.com has posted a number of new screen shots and gear images from the upcoming 3.2 patch.

The full article in Japanese can be found here.


Final Fantasy IX released for smartphones

SE has released Final Fantasy IX for Android and iOS. The game sports updated graphics and carries a hefty file size. From the official release, you need to have 8GB of free space to run it, and the download takes at least 4GB.

Full information is available at their website, http://www.jp.square-enix.com/ff9/en/


A glimpse at Alexander Midas

The Dev team has given us a glimpse into what we as adventurers can expect from the newest Raid – Alexander: Midas!

Though its core was disabled, the colossal steel giant still hums with a foreboding sense of dread. The Illuminati are gearing up for war, and Alexander has thrust yet another arm up and out of the Thaliak river, continuing its climb from the murky depths. Will the Illuminati realize their warped ideals and bleed the realm dry? Once again you must call forth your allies and venture into the iron fortress, lest the realm bears the price of the goblins’ endeavor.

View the full post here!

Episode 12 special guest

We are pleased to announce that the next episode of Phoenix Down Radio will have a special Guest Host! We will be joined by Eskalia from Limit Break Radio and Final Encounter Cast. Come join us on February 13th at twitch.tv/phoenixdownradio and be a part of this special episode!

Warring Triad battle preview

SE has been giving us glimpses into all of the new Patch 3.2 content this week, and it continues with a look into the battle at the Containment Bay S1T7 against Sephirot, the Fiend!

Sephirot, the Fiend, was a deity once worshipped by a tree-like race native to Meracydia. Brought into being for the sole purpose of repelling the Allagan invasion, Sephirot inflicted ruinous losses upon the imperial army before finally being subdued and imprisoned in the central facility of Azys Lla. And now, millennia later, this immensely powerful entity threatens to awaken, his vengeful dreams disturbed by the careless ambitions of Archbishop Thordan VII. Topple the first pillar of the Warring Triad, or wheresoever his colossal shadow falls shall be visited by unthinkable catastrophe!

Full details are available on the Lodestone.

Final Fantasy Portal One Year Anniversary

Square Enix is celebrating the one year anniversary of its Final Fantasy Portal app by giving away Final Fantasy II (Portal Version) to users. Until Feb 14th, users can download FFII for free on Android or iOS through the FF Portal. Please be aware, however, that if you need to re-download it after Feb 14th, you will need to purchase the app.

More info and download links for Android and iOS are available here.