Producer Live Letter 28 scheduled for March 26th


The 28th FFXIV Letter from the Producer Live has been announced, and is scheduled to air March 26th at 19:00 JST (6AM EST/3AM PST). Yoshi-P will be answering various questions asked on the Official forums, and will have lead UI artist Hiroshi Minagawa as his guest. {Please look forward to it!}

Links to the various channels will be provided as soon as they are available.

Elysium clears A8S!

Elysium has cleared the entirety of Alexander Midas Savage mode. Posted a few minutes ago on their Twitter page, they announced the world-first clear of the Burden of the Son Savage mode. Congrats to them, and great job on clearing!

You’re Not Alone charity stream goes live March 11th

Go check out Limit Break Radio host Eskalia’s charity stream on March 11th at 5 PM ET on He will be playing Final Fantasy IX start to finish to raise funds for Transgender Michigan, a nonprofit organization to help people with gender identity issues.

Episode 14 airs March 12th!


Episode 14 of Phoenix Down Radio goes live this Saturday, March 12th at 9:30 PM ET/6:30 PT at Join us with special guest Chille from the PlayStation Unchained podcast as we talk about Final Fantasy XIV, speculate about upcoming jobs, and discuss catch-up mechanics.

FFXIV Dev Diary Chapter 2: Story and Lore

The second chapter of the Final Fantasy XIV Developer’s Diary video series has been released on YouTube. This time the team takes us behind the scenes of how they develop the story lines and lore of Eorzea. Give it a watch!

Reminder: Eskalia’s Charity stream of FFIX goes live March 11

A friendly reminder that Eskalia from Limit Break Radio will be hosting a charity stream next Friday, March 11th starting at 5PM EST at Titled “You’re Not Alone”, Eskalia will be playing Final Fantasy IX straight through, start to finish. All PayPal donations received during the stream will benefit Transgender Michigan.

Check it out, and donate if you can.

Answers by Susan Calloway now available

Today is the day! Recording artist Susan Calloway has released her artists cut of “Answers” today. You can pick it up on Susan’s Website, or on iTunes or Google Music.

Answers on iTunes

Susan Calloway on Google Music

Go check it out! Support Susan, as well as others in the FFXIV creative community, and it will help encourage more projects and creativity like this in the future!

Susan Calloway’s Artist cut of Answers releases tomorrow

Don’t forget that Recording artist Susan Calloway will be releasing her new Artist cut of the FFXIV song “Answers” tomorrow! Make sure to follow @susancalloway on Twitter to be notified right when it is released.

FFXIV Dev Diary Chapter 1 released

The FFXIV Dev team has started a new YouTube diary series and has released chapter 1: Sound Design.


Its an interesting look into the process of making music for the game, and how it all works.

Elysium takes down A7S

The Elysium raid group continues their roll on Midas Savage and announced via Twitter that they have downed A7S on Sunday, Feb 28th. Congrats again, and good luck against Voltron, I mean A8S!